Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Dom - But the Ferocious Wind....

On A windy Sunday morning I was off to play soccer. We started then a big Ferocious wind came and blew the ball into the sky like a meteorite then the game was canceled because of the wind then we went home. The next day it was school I had to bike to school it was still windy, when I got to school I put my bike away then zoomed off to class. At the end of the day. I went to ride my bike home but the ferocious wind was to strong so I had to walk my bike home.

By Dom


  1. really good story dom that wind must of been strong.

    from luke room 11

  2. Good job Dom next time use full stops.

  3. Well Dom, I remember watching some people try to play football one time when it was so windy that every time they put the ball in place for a penalty - it blew away, so I understand this story well. I know that the word 'ferocious' was in the prompt but I wonder if you knew any other words that you could have used to describe the wind? It would make the story more interesting if you didn't use the same word. You could look in a thesaurus and see what you think would be a good replacement. I like your use of a simile - that gives me a really clear image in my mind. Well done for entering the 100WC - I enjoyed this story.

  4. I like how you have used different sentence beginnings.
    Xavier Valley School
